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How Many Blog Posts to Get Traffic to Your Website

Discover how many blog posts you need to boost your website traffic. Plus tips on SEO optimization, consistent blogging, and creating engaging content.


May 4, 2023

Luciani Zorrilla


Publishing blogs on your website adds tremendous value to generate organic traffic and increase brand awareness. 

The problem is there is no clear evidence about the perfect amount for uploading blogs on your website.  Some experts suggest publishing 2-3 blogs per week, while others argue for a daily blog post. So, what is the ideal frequency for publishing blogs on your website?

The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The perfect frequency of blog publishing on your website depends on factors such as your target audience, industry, and resources.

For starters, it's essential to understand who your audience is and their behavior. Do they prefer reading long-form articles or short and concise posts? Are they more active on certain days of the week?

Knowing these details can help you determine how often you should publish blogs to reach and engage with your audience effectively.

However, there are points in which websites that successfully publish blogs have in common.

This article discusses how many blogs you should publish weekly to increase traffic.

Read on!

How Often Should You Blog?

If your website has no blog posts online yet, you can expect to get traffic after two to three months once you have at least 15 blogs online. 

Of course, this can’t be written in stone because too many factors, such as keywords, your blog length, or the used backlinks or indexing, can influence how Google will rank your blogs and website in the SERPs (search engine result pages).

Keep in mind that these numbers are just for your orientation. 

Some websites may begin to rank after only three blog posts, and others in highly competitive niches may still struggle to attract visitors even after 40 blog posts or more.

However, it can be said that publishing blogs consistently decides over failure or success of your blog campaign.

According to Hubspot, B2B companies that blog only 1-2X/month generate 70% more leads than those that don't blog at all

They also found out that if you (or your company) increase blogging from 3-5X/month to 6-8X/month, you can see almost double your number of inbound leads.

Factors That Drive Blog Traffic to Your Website

If you're looking to maximize your blog's potential, it's essential to understand the five factors that drive blog traffic. 

Simply publishing content isn't enough; you must ensure your blog is optimized to attract and engage readers. From SEO optimization to creating a user-friendly platform, these five factors ensure your blog reaches its full potential. 

SEO Optimization

Content is king, but SEO is what helps your blog reach its full potential.

SEO is a non-negotiable from the foundation of technical SEO—which ensures search engines can easily crawl and index your site—to structuring your content with appropriate headers (H1, H2, H3, etc.).

Anchor texts, backlinks, and internal linking form the circulatory system of your blog, directing relevance and authority. Fine-tune these elements, to climb the SERP ranks, leading more readers to your website. Optimizing your keyword strategy, meta descriptions, and title tags is equally invaluable in making your blog a beacon for relevant searches.

Here’s a checklist for your SEO optimization strategy:

Basic SEO Optimization

✅ Keyword Research:

  • Identify relevant keywords for your content.

  • Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs.

✅ On-Page SEO:

  • Optimize title tags with primary keywords.

  • Compose effective meta descriptions, and make sure they stay between 70-155 characteres.

  • Ensure headers (H1, H2, H3) are appropriately used.

  • Do not duplicate titles.

✅ Quality Content:

  • Produce high-quality, valuable, and relevant content.

  • Keep a consistent content schedule.

  • If you're using AI, be sure to go through and tweak every paragraph for a more conversational tone.

✅ URL Structure:

  • Create SEO-friendly and readable URLs.

  • Include keywords.

✅ Internal Linking:

  • Link to other relevant pages on your site.

  • Use descriptive anchor text, not anchors like “here” or “read more.”

✅ External Linking:

  • Link to authoritative external sources.

  • Open external links in a new tab.

✅ Image Optimization:

  • Compress images for faster loading.

  • Use descriptive file names and alt text.

  • Add meta description with keywords.

✅ Mobile Optimization:

  • Ensure your website is mobile-friendly.

  • Test with Google's Mobile-Friendly Test.

Intermediate SEO Optimization:

Some of these focus more on website optimization and certifications. With most CMS tools, this optimization happens automatically.

✅ Page Speed:

  • Optimize images, CSS, and JavaScript.

  • Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights.

✅ Schema Markup:

  • Implement structured data to enhance search results.

  • Use Google's Structured Data Testing Tool.

✅ SSL Certificate:

  • Ensure your site has a secure connection (https).

  • Google considers SSL as a ranking factor.

✅ XML Sitemap:

  • Create and submit an XML sitemap to search engines.

  • Keep it updated when new content is added.

✅ User Experience (UX):

  • Improve site navigation and usability.

  • Reduce bounce rates and increase dwell time.

✅ Social Media Integration:

  • Share content on social platforms.

  • Encourage social sharing with social media buttons.

✅ Robots.txt:

  • Optimize the robots.txt file to control search engine crawling.

  • Exclude unnecessary or sensitive content.

Advanced SEO Optimization:

✅ Backlink Building:

  • Get high-quality backlinks from authoritative sites.

  • Monitor and disavow toxic backlinks.

  • Do not backlink to sites with high signals of spam.

  • Do not buy backlinks.

✅ User Engagement Signals:

  • Encourage user comments and interactions.

  • Aim for longer average session durations.

✅ Local SEO:

  • Optimize Google My Business listing.

  • Encourage customer reviews and ratings.

✅ Voice Search Optimization:

  • Create content that answers conversational questions.

  • Optimize for long-tail and natural language keywords.

✅ Algorithm Updates Monitoring:

  • Stay informed about search engine algorithm changes.

  • Adapt your strategy based on updates.

Captivating Content Quality

The key to blog success is clear: creating content that provides value to your readers. That could mean different things depending on your brand, like providing educational resources, informing them about the latest industry news, or just giving them a few chuckles. 

At the end of the day, it's better to err on the side of quality. You should aim to post a few well-crafted blog posts a month, rather than publishing a bunch of inadequate, repetitive, or filler content. 

Think about it this way: if you can't write something that will benefit your readers, then what's the point? Even if you stuff your post with every keyword under the sun, it won't get you far in the search engine rankings.

Producing high-quality, compelling content is an art that engages, informs, and entertains your readers. Infographics—a blend of data and design—can serve as both visual candy and informational gold, drawing in readers looking for quick insights or shareable content.

Responsive Design

In a world where mobile devices have become the primary point of internet access for many users, responsive web design is no longer optional. A blog that adapts seamlessly to smartphones, tablets, and desktops is fundamental to retaining viewership.

A responsive site helps reduce bounce rates caused by formatting glitches and ensures a fluid user experience. Remember, your blog might be one amongst a plethora of tabs; make sure it's the one that’s friendly to interact with across all device types.   

Responsive design doesn't just adapt to different screen sizes; it also takes into account whether your readers like using portrait or landscape mode on their devices. With responsive design, your content always appears polished and well-presented, no matter how they view it.

➕ Plus, search engines like Google actually favor sites that work well on mobile. So, having a responsive design boosts user experience and helps your blog get noticed more in search results.

Growing Your Brand on Social Platforms

Organic search engine traffic is a valuable asset to increasing website traffic, but it isn't the only way to get your content out there. 

Social media offers an exciting opportunity to engage with your readership, share your content, and ultimately boost your website traffic. Utilize hashtags and actively participate in conversations related to your blog. 

This will help you reach the audience that will be most interested in the answers you provide and encourage more engagement from your readership.

Consistent Blog Posting

No matter what type of blog you write, there's a good chance you're not the only one out there talking about the same topics. That means you have competition - other bloggers doing the same thing as you. 

If you want to be successful and build an audience, you have to ensure that you're providing something better than what your competitors offer. This could mean posting more often, creating content that's better quality, or promoting your blog more effectively

Regarding blogging, it's important to find a way to stand out from the crowd and ensure you're ahead of the competition. With the right strategy, your blog can succeed.

Evergreen Content

While trending topics can bring a surge of temporary traffic, the evergreen content provides lasting value and continues to draw in readers over time. These timeless resources become a fixture that audiences refer back to and recommend, thereby perpetuating your traffic flow.

Invest in topics that are perpetual in their relevance, like how-to guides, fundamental lessons in your field, or deep dives into subjects that resist the wear of time. Ensure that this content stays up-to-date and fresh to maintain its value for years to come.

Plus, what's excellent about evergreen content is how it keeps bringing in organic traffic steadily. Unlike trends that can be here today, gone tomorrow, evergreen articles are like those trusty anchors, always pulling in readers looking for the basics in your field. They're like the solid pillars holding up your blog's reputation and usefulness.

💡 One smart way to go about it is by pairing timeless content with occasional updates. As industries change and new info comes up, revisiting and sprucing up your evergreen articles keeps them up-to-date and spot-on. This doesn't just please search engines that like regularly refreshed content but also establishes your blog as a reliable place for timeless insights.

Why You Should Run an Active Blog Campaign

As mentioned above, generating organic traffic is probably your main reason for blogging.

Here are the three main reasons for constantly blogging:

Increase Organic Traffic

You may have already heard of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Not only do your main website and sub-pages have to be SEO optimized, but also your blog pages need to be.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a critical component of any successful blog writing strategy, as it helps your content to appear higher up in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). This higher ranking will lead to more organic traffic to your blog, as more people will be able to discover your content. 

Optimizing your blog posts for SEO can increase your visibility and gain more readers, leading to increased website traffic and a better chance of achieving your desired outcomes. The effort and research will pay off in the end, as increased organic traffic equals more opportunities for engagement, conversions, and success.

Organic traffic is essential to website success, as it is the most reliable, cost-effective, and sustainable source of website visitors. 

Unlike other forms of traffic, such as paid advertising, organic traffic is driven by search engine algorithms based on content relevance and quality. This means that organic traffic is more likely to be made up of people who are genuinely interested in your product or service and who are likely to take the desired action. 

➕ Additionally, organic traffic is sustainable, as it can continue to drive website visits over time without the need for continual investment. This makes it an attractive option for businesses looking to create a steady flow of website visitors at a cost-effective price.

Create Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is an important marketing concept that refers to how much a consumer is aware of a brand and its products. 

It is the level of recognition or familiarity a consumer has with a particular brand. 

Great results of successful marketing campaigns and strategies can be achieved when there is a focus on creating a positive image of your brand. 

Brand awareness can be achieved through various marketing activities such as social media campaigns, influencer marketing, content marketing, and more.

Content marketing is especially important for businesses and bloggers alike. Blogging is a great way to share knowledge, establish thought leadership, and drive traffic to your website. But it's not enough to simply post content; it must be engaging and entertaining. 

💡 Create content that inspires readers to share and turns them into leads for your business. When crafting blog posts, aim to forge an emotional connection with your audience and let them learn more about your brand. And remember, make it easy for them to share this content on social media and other channels! 

Blogging can be an incredibly powerful tool. It can help you reach a wider audience, build customer relationships, and convert website visitors into leads. However, to succeed, you must ensure your content is entertaining, engaging, and shareable.

Additionally, talking about yourself as a brand and how you operate will help more people to understand your value proposition.

This brings us to the next point:

Gain Competence and Trust

Having a blog can really pack a punch for companies. It's a great way to show off what you know, your expertise, and your reliability. Plus, it lets you connect with your customers personally and build that all-important foundation of trust.

Creating a blog allows your business to share valuable information and insights with your readers. 

💡 This can include tips, industry news, case studies, and more. By providing quality content, your business can demonstrate its expertise and establish itself as a reliable source of information. 

As a result, customers are more likely to trust your advice and services.

In addition to providing valuable content, a blog is also an effective way to showcase a company's accomplishments. 

Highlighting successes and milestones is a great way for businesses to show potential customers they're reliable and experienced. It helps build trust and proves that the business is a competent and trustworthy provider.

Finally, a blog can be used to build relationships with customers. Your business can connect personally with its readers by responding to comments and conversing. It will help cultivate loyalty and trust, as customers feel they are engaging with someone instead of a faceless corporation.


Your blog is only as successful as the amount of effort and dedication you put into it. Writing engaging and informative blog posts can be daunting, but the reward is worth the effort. 

Developing a strategy and staying consistent with your content will help you to get the most out of your blog posts and get the most traffic possible. 

Remember, it’s all about quality, not quantity. The more engaging and valuable the content you create is, the more likely it is to bring in readers and attract more traffic. So, whether you post once a day or weekly, make sure you make the most of it.

At Fux Digital, we’re experts in creating and executing successful blog campaigns for our clients because we know what it requires to deliver good results. 

If you want to know if we can help you, fill out this contact form, and we’ll be in touch soon.

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